Sweet Dreams For Sleepless Moms: Tips from Hey Sleepy Baby Founder


Hey mama,

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Rachael Shepard-Ohta, the founder of Hey Sleepy Baby (HSB). As a mom of three and a seasoned expert in child sleep, Rachael is on a mission to revolutionize how we approach baby sleep. With her background in education and her own sleepless nights, Rachael brings a refreshing and holistic perspective that is bound to resonate with all of you fabulous moms out there.

Introducing Rachael Shepard-Ohta: A Sleep Guru on a Mission

“Hi! I’m Rachael. I live in San Francisco, California with my husband and our three little ones. I founded HSB because I was frustrated with the status quo baby sleep advice,” Rachael begins. She shares her journey from being an Education Specialist to becoming a sleep consultant driven by her experiences with her firstborn’s sleep challenges and her own postpartum anxiety.

The HSB Approach: Holistic, Flexible, and Baby-Centric

When asked how her approach differs from traditional methods, Rachael explains, “The HSB Approach focuses on the relationship between baby and caregiver as well as natural processes of development and attachment. We can’t treat all babies the same way because they are individuals with their own needs and preferences—just like us!” This means considering everything from feeding and activity to sensory needs and temperament.

Common Sleep Challenges and Practical Tips for New Moms

New moms often face a slew of sleep challenges, and Rachael’s insights are invaluable. “The unrealistic expectations of how, when, and where babies sleep is usually the first shock to new parents,” she says. Her top tip? Learn to recognize sleepy cues. "I like to teach parents about sleepy cues first, so that they can be sure they are offering sleep when baby is tired but not overly tired. This prevents a lot of frustration and guess-work! One example of a sleepy cue is the ‘stare' where baby kind of zones out. They may have red eyebrows and their movements get a little more jerky. This is a good time to try and get them to sleep” she advises. And forget the notion of “bad habits”—feeding to sleep and contact napping are just fine. (LOVE THAT FOR US!)

Creating the Perfect Sleep Environment

A calming sleep environment is key, according to Rachael. "For bedtime routines we can keep them super simple. You may do a bath (but you don’t have to—some babies find it too alerting vs. calming) or a gentle massage before getting PJ’s on, then do a little song or read a book before giving baby their bedtime feeding. It doesn’t really matter what you do, just do the same things each night so your baby learns it’s time for sleep."

Balancing Responsiveness with Good Sleep Habits

Rachael emphasizes that being responsive to your baby’s needs and encouraging good sleep habits go hand in hand. “We encourage a healthy relationship with sleep by making it feel safe vs. stressful. So when we are responsive, baby learns that sleep is safe. They learn that their needs will be met,” she explains. This helps their nervous systems relax and rest.

Trusting Your Intuition and Seeking Support

New moms often feel overwhelmed by external opinions. Rachael’s advice? “Tune out the noise and opinions of others about what you “should” do and focus on what you WANT to do. What feels right? What’s your baby telling you? You have a lot of the answers already, and it’s also OK for there to be some trial and error- you’re new at this and so is your baby!” And don’t hesitate to ask for help. “Taking shifts with a partner, hiring help, or asking family for a break can help a lot. Treat yourself with the same care you give to your baby.”

Here for you,


We hope you find Rachael’s insights as enlightening and comforting as we did. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey, and sometimes the best advice comes from a fellow mom who’s been there, done that, and survived on coffee and love.

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LEarn More ABout her methods: heysleepybaby.com


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