Wrestling With Motherhood: Cassie’s Journery To Becoming A Mum Of Two


Hey mama,

We're thrilled to bring you insights from Cassie Lee, the Australian dynamo you might remember as Peyton Royce from WWE. Cassie, now a mum of (almost) two boys, is here to share how she’s gearing up for her second baby, what she’s learned, and how she's tackling that ever-present mom guilt. Let's dive into her story!

Meet Cassie Lee

Cassie Lee, a former WWE star and now full-time mum, is navigating the beautiful chaos of motherhood. With her second baby on the way, she’s opening up about her experiences, lessons learned, and how she's doing things differently this time around.

Prepping For Baby Number 2

When asked how she's preparing for her second baby, Cassie is filled with a mix of excitement and wisdom. "I've gone through it once before, and my boys will only be 17 months apart, so I hope to have more confidence this time around," she says. "Not question every little thing, feel like I have to stick to a rigid schedule, not leave the house for the first 2 months." This time, she plans to savor every moment, even the exhausting ones, because this will be her last time being the mum of a newborn. Cassie’s learned not to rush through milestones but to cherish them instead.

Lessons Learned from the First Time Around

Reflecting on her experience with her first child, Cassie emphasizes the importance of patience and self-compassion. "I won't put pressure on myself or my baby to do anything," she explains. "Everything will happen in time when they're ready, and I'll be there to support and take all the photos I can so I never forget this time in our lives."

Managing Self-Care with Two Kids

Self-care is a hot topic, and Cassie is candid about her struggles. "Every day I wonder how I'm going to be a stay-at-home mum of 2 under 2, let alone manage self-care. I know that's so important and I will have help with babies, but as far as myself, I just don't know," she admits, her honesty striking a chord. Cassie grapples with mom guilt, a feeling many of us know all too well. "I know I can't pour from an empty cup, but the mum guilt eats me alive if I attempt to do anything for myself. I know washing my hair and taking my time to shower or eat are basic human necessities, but I haven't learned how to do those things without feeling guilty."

Despite these challenges, she hopes to sign up for Pilates classes when her body is ready. One step at a time, right?

Baby Gear: What’s In and What’s Out

Cassie’s got some fresh insights on baby gear. "I invested in a glider this time around! The first time, I chose the cutest thing I could find, which turned out to be the most uncomfortable rocker. Being up multiple times a night to nurse in an uncomfortable chair was awful, so I'm excited to use my glider this time."

She also loves her Nuna travel stroller, which adapts as her children grow. However, she wishes she had considered a stroller that could accommodate a sibling from the start.

Cassie’s experience with the Snoo was mixed. "The Snoo was great, but during the 4-month sleep regression, I believe it made things last longer because my baby couldn’t practice rolling over at night. This time, I plan on using the Snoo but not for as long."

Birth Plans: Take Two

Cassie’s first birth didn’t go as planned, and she's open about her changing thoughts for her second. She’s considering a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) and stresses the importance of advocating for better care. "If there is anything even remotely similar to the care I received from nurses last time, I will have no issue asking for them to be replaced with someone with empathy."

Cassie’s story is a reminder that every mom faces her own set of challenges and triumphs. Whether you’re dealing with mom guilt, figuring out self-care, or navigating baby gear, remember you’re not alone. Let's embrace the journey together, one step at a time.

Here for you,

Follow Cassie on IG: @CassieLee


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